It was a boring first person dream - quite often I dream in third person, and know I'm dreaming, and am able to stop it. But this wasn't one of those, I didn't know I was dreaming.
Anyway, I was washing up, and was pissed off at mum :3 Don't know why hehe, but anyway.... I smashed a wine glass on the sink, and put the bits of glass in my mouth.
The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, and the fam came in the kitchen, and was trying to hide the fact that I had glass in my mouth, so I pushed it to the sides of my mouth, and the roof, and talked to them, saying I had accidentally smashed a glass.
Then I went outside into the garden, and pulled out all the glass from where it was all embedded in my gums.
SO PAINFUL, seriously, I felt EVERY bit of glass.
Yeah, so random update XD
Love Rachel <3