Saturday, 24 March 2012


Stupid Rachel, stupid.

I tweeted, when I was annoyed, which is common. And I half-blamed my annoyance on people that follow(ed) me. Drat, yeah, drat. It was annoying at the time, now it is not, and now I regret it, because they found my friends blog, and left comments on it, when she wasn't talking about them.

At least I think she wasn't, I think she was talking about those idiots in psych but anyway. It just winds me up, I should just ban myself from tweeting any kind of annoyance XD

I want to apologise for any offence I caused anyone, I'm just an idiot.

Saturday, 17 March 2012


A board game. The unfinishable game. Worse than monopoly, and 3 times as frustrating. Lewis owns destination Southampton.

Destination means...
Each player has a taxi
They have destination cards
They have 5 fuel cards
Every destination reached means you hand in the destination card, and a fuel card, receive the fare, and a new destination card.
You have to have 1 fuel card on you to travel
You can buy more at the petrol station.
You roll a die to move squares.
You can upgrade to a super taxi and use two dice.
You have a drivers license

You usually get 1 square within your destination by chance, and can't roll a one for about 17 goes, whilst the other player rolls a 1 every time
A super taxi can NEVER roll a one
Every few squares there are traffic lights which you land on and they either give you a nice card, or a nasty card.
If you get 12 points on your license (from traffic light cards) you have to pay £200 for a new one.
The layout of Southampton on the board is wrong.
The petrol station is in the middle of nowhere.
You have to rush back to the taxi rank at the end of the game (no more destination cards), whoever does gets £200 to add to their total.

Mine and Lewis's game...
No money at the start to mix it up
We bought supplies from Asda in town (whilst mother's day shopping) which included pork scratchings and Caprio Soczyste which... which creates hyperness. That didn't kick in until after the first hour and a half, whilst we were listening to the Mozart trance remix and dancing to it whilst playing. The most fun ever, I must admit, trying to hand over money whilst dancing was insanely difficult.

Lewis and I have very different techniques. Lewis slots his card under the board so they line up with the destination, whereas I group the closest ones together for a technique, and remember when to fill up with petrol.

Destination sounds easy, but it isn't. The biggest problem is rolling a one to move one space to get to your destination. The best way, of course, to do this, is to THROW the die high above your head, and it usually lands on a one, somewhere in the room. Of course, Lewis got fed up to day, and threw it with all his might.

It pinged off the chandelier thing and straight into my pint of crazy Polish orange drink. Unfortunately, it had landed as a three. We literally sat in hysterics for about 45 minutes before kitchen towel was collected and I had to try and gulp the drink (later with a straw).

This was way after we'd stopped dancing to pitbull, btw.

The die was retrieved, and we continued. I had to get fuel and get another destination whilst Lewis was 5 away from the taxi rank. He won with £1,250 I think. I had £720 or something like that XD

Best AND worst game ever. Needs a lot of stamina tbh

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Rachel's recent life events:
Rowan can and will constantly quote Tim Vine, and Sarah will laugh in a slightly manic/demonic way. Every time.
Romain has tapped into my one source of annoyance and that is songs being stuck in my head... hence: 'psycho chicken! Mais Qu'est-ce que c'est' being in my head forever and ever. With clucking noises.
Kony2012 - I won't blog about that yet
I think I am a bad influence on the wonderful Belinda.
Sarah finished carving a polystyrene cat.
Louise wore her hat today and we all took turns and it falls over my eyes D':

Okay I really don't know what else is happening in my life that I should blog about... gah.
It's results day tomorrow, let's pray I get a good grade from my Jan psych exam. AND 9 DAYS UNTIL DERREN BROWN. YEAHHHHH.

I actually have nothing to blog about, I just feel it necessary. Chris be watching football, and the commentators have odd accents. Unusual accents. IDEK.

Yeah just had to post that, made me laugh far too much.

Chris is playing red dead redemption now, very interesting, carrying a man on the back of his horse, feel sorry for his ribs/sternum tbh.

That's it, this blog was a huge pointless mess.

Ray <3 xx