Friday, 21 September 2012

Sweet taste testtttt! - Viginias Doble

Okay guys so I did a taste test on some jelly beans once, and possibly on some wierd french sweets, but mi padres recently came back from Barcelona, and brought with them Virginias Doble

Okay so the packet reads (translated) :

7 flavours
intense, flavourful, juicy

Aaaand then all the boring stuff.

As I said, the packet says 7 flavours, but I opened mine, got them all out, and could only find 6. Alas.

We have:

ciruela or plum
fresa or strawberry
limon verde or lime
mandarina or mandarin
naranja or orange
platano or banana.

That's in alphabetical order, but I've come up with my own awesome order to do the taste testing in (mainly because I hate banana so it can't go last, the best goes last lol)

I even brushed my teeth for this, okay?

So to get the ickyness out of the way, it's platano first.

Here in all it's yellowy glory. Odio los platanos :(

Right, it smells of like nothing, so we'll see. Okay in my mouth now. It tastes like a real banana, mixed with sugar. I dont really like banana. It's reminding me alot of when I was a kid with tonsilitis, and we had this flavour antibiotics. So its not that bad, I think I only had about 4 of them in the packet. They're quite nice though actually. I wish real bananas tasted like this.

Okay now mandarina, playing it safe but not going straight to orange.

my mouth still tastes a bit like banana hahah I'll get some water. I take these things seriously.

Right, back with some water, and now for mandarina.

Smells like nothing. OMG okay this is a wierd taste. It kind of tastes exactly like a mandarin, pith and all, but with that wierd artificial kinda flouridey taste you get on some sweets. Okay it's like the best kind of mandarin ever it's sour exactly how I like them. I'm not sure how many of these I have. Okay, so after the wierd start, I'm saying it's better than banana. Far more sour than I expected lol. It's like stinging haha.

These sweets are making my water taste bitter :(

Okay, cool. Now for fresa nommityyy.

Okay there's a vague strawberry smell, and the flavour will probably kill me now as I'm learning. Here goes. Okay, omg, wow, that actually pretty much tastes like a mixture of calpol and parma violets. Like literally. What am I eating!? It is nice though. Just so so soooo wierd. I quite like it actually the taste reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on. Okay it's so flavourful I feel like my mouth is going to shrivel up.

Right, okay, after a significant lengthy break to drink some water, we're moving on. I'm finding this quite challenging, but alas, naranja.

Smells of nothing. Bad sign. Actually I think if it smelt strong the taste would kill me, so probably a good sign. Right, in it goes... ORANGE! and also... wax? Weird but oh well. A welcome friend after the killer strawberry. No, no, I like this one. It tastes like, um, those calypso lollies where you have to push the icelolly up a cardboard tube that basically breaks and you accidentally eat cardboard and everything gets all sticky and orange. They didn't lie though, this is a flavour explosion in your mouth.

I dont want to do this anymore. Just two more to go.

Limon Verde, or lime, though I thought lima was lime but who cares now.

I'm going to eat it. Okay so the actual sweets are WHITE. whaaaa. Oh okay, it tastes like lemon, but limey. More limey though. Like those old bugs bunny and sylvester sweets you could get. I quite like that one, I have about 900 though to get through. They are pretty refreshing though.

I hope you guys realise they're boiled sweets and each one takes me like 5 minutes to eat and get over, and I'm like dying and my mouth is burning. I should have done this after dinner... rofl :(

I think this lime one is legit giving me ear ache...

Okay awesome just one more, which is... ciruela. I thought that looks interesting, I'll save it to the end to see if it is like god in boiled sweet form or something. And it's purple, and purple rules.

I'm not sure if there's a smell or my mind is cracking. Okay it's in my mouth. Same waxy taste as the orange. A bit soapy. Interesting. I havent eaten a plum in years actually. Okay so it doesn't taste evil, still sour as hell though. eeekkk.

So, overall, I'd say that orange and lime are your safest bet. They really are a flavour explosion en tu boca though :/

Thanks for reaadinggg

Rachel <3 :p=":p" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" xx="xx">