I walked out of my bedroom to find mum cleaning the toilet (which is separate to our bathroom). She started complaining because there were rats in there, and they obviously weren't killing them well enough, as they would obviously be in the way and 'eew gross', I was set with the task of killing them all. They were all baby ones, and for some reason, I had to pick them out of the toilet bowl. Where they weren't drowning.
I had to pick them up, and squeeze them. It was distressing because they were really cute.
I mean lookkkkk :(.
Anyway, so the bowl kept getting bigger and bigger and I ended up having to get in it to get all the rats out. Like the whole of me was in it. I picked up a rat and looked at it, It was soooooo cute, and then I dropped it and it was by my foot. Then I watched it open its mouth and stab me with really long white teeth in the heel of my left foot.
I like ran away after that and was limping about, and went into the living room, about to complain, when I suddenly morphed into Tommy Pickles. The rugrat, and his mum (Didi?) was all "come here Tommy" and it was so odd, I was watching kinda third person. Then they put me/Tommy on the sofa, and were talking to him/me. Then baby Tommy fainted, and then they were all like OH GOD NOOO.
And so off to hospital we went, then the mum imagined like the future for Tommy, or me, because she had to make a decision - Tommy would be disabled in one way or another, but she could decide which. Then, it wasn't cartoon and I was the adult Tommy, rolling around in a coffee/smoothie shop that reoccurs in my dreams often, and yeah, like I was rolling on the floor, and there was something to do with a gun, and then Didi, after having the premonition, decided what she was going to do, but I never found out, because I woke up :P.