or Afternoon, or Evening, or whatever time period you happen to be finding yourself reading this blog in!
Sunday was amazing. Amazing is good because it has the word ZING at the end....zing! But yes, I saw Maddy, Aaron and Lewis, and to my surprise they got along like a house on fire.
Well, lets say a row of wooden terrace houses in 1666. Smothered in gasoline.
FFS at the time of writing this, my brother has been walking around whistling I'm a Believer, so now I'm reminding myself of last summer, when I was trying to find a picnic anthem:
- anyway -
back to sunday, when everyone one was on fire. We got LOST walking to near mothercare and all that because we followed Maddy, and she said she'd never been near there before, but we followed her -_-
Anyway, we all met and had foods and were on fire because even though we were a week or so out, it was my birthday on the 7th of Jan, like mr nicholas cage :P except I was born 30 years after him, and am female, and not an actor who names their children after superman!
May have just recently read an article about the superman thing. I'm actually well known for telling people I share my birthday with him.
But it was a celebration of my birthday, and lewis got me moneys in a card which means yay. Aaron got me two giant bars of galaxy, one of which is already long since eaten, and Maddy got me some purple edible glitter.
Mum says we should bake cakes, whilst some of my friends asked if it is for sex. ITS FOR BAKING PEOPLE, BAKING!!
Maddy then informed me that I was getting the second half of my present later: oo err.. ^^
more on that in a little while.
Then, when aaron was trying to give maddy a copy of his CV to give her ideas for writing one, he pulled out a packet of adhesive moustaches. We thus formed a plan, though not as evil a one as the one involving the wheel chair, although THAT one is not world dominatory, and neither was the moustache plan.
But later, we went into rock bottom toy store, and maddy was acting all suspicious and was trying to get the others to distract me whilst she looked for something. I clocked it was the second half of my present, and kept asking everyone what it was from that point on. She said it was something from my blog.
Knowing the things I write on here I dismissed it completely and thought that I might make a link when I get this second half. More on this later, again lol.
So, in rockbottom I decided to buy some nauseating glasses that look like pineapples, and then we took photos of moi wearing them coupled with a moustache. Pretty self explanatory but I feel you need an image:
Not THE most flattering picture of me, as by that point, we had officially reached one of those "new lows" that you quite often find yourself a part of when you enter the mall marlands.
We also went into buyology, which has nothing to do with biology or the science of buying but that's what it's called. It involved Lewis buying a few empty boxes and a piece of art that really didn't have much to do with anything to be quite honest... you gotta love him. If you can't do that, beat him, and if you can't do THAT join him, and then spend the rest of your life indoors watching doctors. Haha, I'm just joking Lewis, I watch doctors all the time, nothing to do with you, really ;)
And then we all sort of left, Maddy got the 3, me and lewis got the 8a and ate pork scratchings on the bus, and then I was home.
Later this weekish, I asked Maddy what this second half was, but all I got out of her was that she was to be sending it to my loverly address via amazon, and that I would have a friend in a couple of days.
She also mentioned that she would address it to Rachel "Sullaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy" Morris, because of my obsessions with villains, my name on msn was Samuel Sullivan (from Heroes) and she shortened this to Sully. Then one day, I called her Maddaaaayy, and her response was Sullaaayy, and it has been that way ever since.
Well, the package arrived today. It was indeed addressed as she had said: brb whilst I edit my address out of the photographic evidence.

I think she tried to put Sullaaaay in quote marks but it comes up as andhashthirtyfour if you will.
What was exciting, though, was that what was IN the package was refreshingly obvious, thoughtful and not at all worrying and mysterious, was definitely taken from my blog and is yet to show true friendship towards me, but I imagine we'll get along just fine:
I have one of those giraffes with the BIG EYES!!! THANKYOU MADDAAAYYYY
*hear the accompanying Gospel choir*
It's called "Safari" and it's looking at me, as I am facing the giraffeymoss whilst sitting at my bed.
It's eyes draw you in, if you were here, you wouldn't be able to break gaze.
Well thankyou Maddy, i haven't made it speak yet unlike brian, daddy frisco, chester and leo, and all the other random toys I have and am not ashamed of, so I don't know Safari's accent!
If anyone who is reading this that doesn't know me, I am not hearing voices, I just give my toys voices. I have a scouse rat somewhere, who's complaining?
So I was going to show Safari to you all on my youtube, but I've been off sick, and I don't think anyone would want to watch me talk about a giraffe whilst coughing my lungs inside out ><
Love, Peace and Chicken Grease!
And if you see Maddy, thank her for me :)
THANKS MADDY!! (she's very far away and not facing me)
Rachel xx