It has become a bit of a ritual, and it is one of my favourite things.
I invite all my friends, from my different friendship groups, and I don't expect everyone to turn up.
This time, I invited 36 or something people, and on the facebook group it says 10 people are coming so far, a few maybes, 5 nos and the rest haven't responded.
Now, the reason I do these, is not to extend my own social network, it is to bring all the different areas of my social network together, so I have a few rules:
1) It is a private event on facebook, I don't want you to bring your neighbour, the local lifeguard and your cat because you think it will be fun, so please, please, ask me if you want a plus 1.
2) It's sharing time, picnic time, if you really have no money, then I understand but, at least chip in a bit, there's nothing more fun than eating other peoples food
3) I want to have fun, please, bring facepaint and yoyos and sunbathe in the rain, but please, don't bring a load of alcohol, that's not what these events are about.
4) Again, fun is paramount, this is an opportunity for you to come out of your shell. I want you to speak to each other, join in with the improv comedy games we might play, and just join in in general, this isn't obviously necessary, but if you wanna come, you gotta wanna have fun. If you know me, you're crazy, and I invited you for that reason, so that implies to alllllll invities :D
5) Please, don't start fighting!! You're all my friends, so please, I love you all, This is meant to be relaxed and what not :P
6) Please don't be late! there are 3 meeting times and places on the event page, if you are late, you will miss out :P
7) If you need directions, help, peace of mind, irrelevant facts about doctors, MORE INFO!!
please, don't hesitate to contact me through facebook, where I invited you. :P
Also, I am going to force you all to wear sticky labels with your names on, if there are too many of us :')
For today's reference and later :P
now, God knows I love organising these events, so I film them, and this time, I want stills too :P
Here are the list of videos, from most recent to .....least recent lol
( dates are either the dates they were actually on or the dates they were uploaded :P )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufLcItX-TTE - 21/02/2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf-JJMWrdLU - 3/7/2010
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSQI49Ppbt8 - 25/01/2010
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0BvpVhJKi8 - 28/8/2009
aaannddd the first ever!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqPyo1ER9XU - 27/8/2009
Okay Pictures.... They huge lol
okay, the picture uploader is obviously the devil so I'm going to stop, but you get the general gist, right??
Love you allllll
Rachel xx :P
Rachel xx
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