This is going to be a competitive year.
So, last week I had my EPQ final thing, which was... one of THE most embarrassing experiences of my LIFE, because Lentils watched a video of me talking, and now I have to write an essay analysing myself talking, and try not to break down into tears in the English office.
Which is actually quite long, although it looks rather cramped. It's like a hologram or something, or like some clever design man has popped in and arranged furniture to make it extend like to the length of Wales or something. Maybe it's some clever mirror work.
I'm trying to list reasons as to why the Liberals won the 1906 election, I need to physically grab a pen and write it down, and not a f***ing bic fine either, those things are the spawn of Satan, and I dare you to say otherwise. It's like, there is NO ink in them, and the writing is all thin and weak and pointless, and you just want to screw up the page because the pain it bears to concentrate your eyes on the thin lines representing what could be professional and proud notes just becomes too much.
**bumbles off to find a pen**
**and some paper, I have no common sense these days**
I have returned, with blue paper and a Soton Uni pen, I just love those pens, they're so fat and lovely.
I also have 43 unread texts, all from twitter, but that can be ignored until I suddenly have to be in bed, and then don't sleep until 1, and suffer in English tomorrow with it's lovely but hallucination enhancing artificial light.
((<3 October))
The reason I do double punctuation, especially brackets and asterisks is because, aside from OCD and an addiction to injokes and running themes, facebook chat used to be desperately annoying and make everything with one asterisk either side *bold* or anything in a bracket it would try to read as a (command) so we started doubling up.
Hard to stop, really.
Right, let us see, Balfour sucked, Boer War/Chinese slavery, money for C of Es and tariff reform, too little too late (reforms) taff vale judgement, trade unions. Let the Liberals have a go for t'lolz and they were amazing, bla bla bla
Maybe I should make a rap. I will do, when I elaborate on all of those points.
I love it when I try in vain to like a page on facebook I have already liked, I look around to see if anyone's noticed, and go all red.
MUST check out post secret before I dive head first into Tariff Reform. Just googled the latter instead of 'postsecret' **sigh**.
Fullstops are so annoying. I actually remember learning about them, and using the width of my little finger to make the space between words.
Okay, so, I'm going to try and make a little poem/rap to summarise events causing the Liberal's victory.
Well I started, but just deleted it, because it's taking up toooo much time, and I should just make concise points. Here's a snippet though:
Hey! Labour, don't waver, of course we don't want them to win
Let's stop the Tories, and straighten out our stories, you gotta say you're in?
You don't want them, we don't want them, but we want our victory?
How about we let you win in, say, 30 constituencies?
So, today, I saw Lewis, and we played Crazy Taxi for far too long, and some guitar hero, and watched some stupid videos we made, and cracked up laughing and our genius, and he stayed for tea. We also spent ages on the swings, which was awesome of course, gotta love the swings, and measured the temp of the oven thing in the co-op using our craniums. I don't mean thinking, I mean literally shoving our heads in.
YESTERDAY.. was funny though XD
Louise's Birthday it was, on Thurs, so on Friday mum suggested she pop over for some cake, which then turned into near elaborate lunch arrangements, which went from four people, to two people (me and Louise) and then add on an Ayshah for some cake afterwards, and Bob's your uncle.
So. Me and Louise had lunch for two at Frankie and Benny's.
Sitting opposite each other was awkward. It was too date-ish. We both were blushing and averting eyes, so Louise moved round.
Then we ate our food, and Louise managed to pick at her pizza absent mindedly into the shape of a uterus ((I know why she's my friend)) And then we picked Ayshah up, and had cake, well, we bought two because one contained alcohol, and on account of alcohol being haram.... and Mum lit some candles.
We didn't sing to Louise, I'm bet she's glad XD, but then we ate cake, and then went on dailybooth.

We had some vodka a bit later (Ayshah didn't. Just in case anyone is reading this disapprovingly)
So, that was my weekend, thoroughly being a pain and organising events at break-neck speed and spontaneity. And tomorrow, it's back to the ol' college routine.
Yay. Lol, I'd best do some conciser history notes...
Love Ray <3 xx
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