Sunday, 31 July 2011

A leaver's day kidnapping

So **someone** just posted on my facebook wall talking of a dream they had, and I thought it was a genuine post sent to the wrong person XD

So we'll start with a dream from a few weeks back. I think I dreamt this because it was my brother's prom and such, leaving school, and yeah. Okay. What to title it?

A leaver's day kidnapping

I was walking with my brother, up our road and up our cutway. I think I was meant to be going into town, and getting the 8a that is at the top of our road, because I remember holding £2, the fare being £1.80, but yeah, anyway, I was leaving the cutway only to find my brother, meant to be going to his school, with all his mates, holding Signs, saying what I don't remember, but they were seeming to be protesting.

Anyway, I forgot all about town, and dragged Louise out of nowhere, she just appears at my every need, it seems, and told her to come with me to my brother's leaver's thing. Then, we walked up to this field, somehow Louise and I were about 50 feet up the road from my brother's ever growing crowd of protesting school leavers, but anyway. We passed a junior school that had been in a dream I had in YEAR SIX, when I was 10 years old! All the kids from that junior school were watching us all pass by, with looks of awe and confusion.

When we arrived I was thirsty, and there was a corner shop at the edge of the field. Louise and I planned to go there, but stood and watched as the staff of my brother's school, all sort of stood in a defence line, as they were approached by their rioting year group.

We shrugged and went off to the shop, this shop seemed familiar, I swear I actually SMELT a corner shop, although that's apparently impossible in dreams, but I'm synesthesic so, you never know, but yes, we went in, and all the drinks cost over 60p, and for some reason I didn't want to break into my fiver, or spend my bus pass, so I sort of milled around hoping Louise would pay for me, and was about to reluctantly get my money out when BAM, A man came and grabbed me.

Now this man has been in my dreams before, always with the same thing, always at the most in opportune moments. Louise was browsing in the shop and thus didn't notice.

He sat me in his car, so darn familiar, and there was the Chinese guy, don't know his name, but this always happens, but silly dream me couldn't remember this, so was confused, as to why it seemed familiar but not, Now, scary kidnapper man told me he needed help tying up the Chinese guy, I happily obliged, as you would, not scared of the guy, I thought they were genuine.

The Chinese guy seemed pretty not fussed about it, and nodded along, so I helped tie him up. And yeah, we drove around the field, and chucked mr Chinese guy out on the way, now this
alarmed me, but kidnapper man said he'd be fine, but I was still confused.

It was getting later and later, and kidnapper man decided to stay on a sun longer with an obscure light bulb sort of above him, and wait, I walked the trek back to the shop, which took a couple of hours, and was hoping Louise would be there, I felt bad for ditching her, you see.

She wasn't there, but I found a bottle outside and went inside, and went to fill it up with water, there was about 6 different temperatures, but I STILL managed room temp, and I was desperately thirsty, because it was a hot day, anyway, I filled up the bottle, Louise was suddenly in the shop browsing again, and I was shocked, and about to call her name, I took a swig of drink first but before it could reach my mouth the bottle was knocked out of my hand, and the kidnapper man came and grabbed me again. I was getting thoroughly annoyed and dehydrated, and I turned around to see a marginally annoyed Chinese guy covered in bruises and dirt and cuts, still slightly tied up, asking why I let kidnapper man push him out of a car.

Then Louise came out of the shop and asked me what was going on, and then I suddenly realised that when I was in the shop the first time, there was a bottle of water spilling out onto the floor in the same way that the bottle I had just had knocked out of my hand was, and then Kidnapper man was driving off with Chinese guy, and Louise started moaning about her thirst, and I woke up.

Lol, yeah, how interesting XD straaannngeee dreams

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

R and M's house :P

This will not make sense to anyone except Lewis and Louise, for those two... Enjoy

Here he is falling out with his mother.

And thus his father... :(

Here he is in the hall of Mavis' home, being angry and upset XD

Here she is consoling him

Playing in the mirror!


Mavis room

Rob's room

Robs teddies hehe

The upstairs bathroom

The studyyy!

The living room

The hall way

The view from the living room, showing the stairs, the bathroom and the hall

The kitchen, and utility room just behind

The kitchen lol, the drawings

Outside, back garden type thing :P

The front, and Mavis' infamous jeep XD

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Just a little rap I wrote because my head was going crazy for it

i need a theme i'll start with Charlie Sheen
coz that's what my stupid head threw at me
i just gotta get it down on paper
although i'm using the effing ordina -tah

anyway back to Charlie
he's snorting charlie
and i feel like i won't be back till early
coz im winning and im spinning around in my chair
coz im fucked up on sheen and orphan tears

and i'm sorry Ray to still your thunder
hey my names Ray too, didn't you wonder
i kinda noticed that before but
i never used it in a rap before

well why would talk about 'equalsthree'
in a rap that started with Charlie Sheen
and if you can't take the deal
we'll leave it there

but you signed it michael!
get back in the chair!
we all know it's tough
being the leader and stuff
but you have a responsibility
now go out into the blizzard
coz you're a office wizzard
and make rhymes like mine with continuity

there's no real tune coz this is from my head
but it's a switchin and a changing like a thread
on a forum of drama queen teenage girls
"does he like me!?" and please don't mention beibz, i'll hurl

apparently nothing can rhyme with orange
but i think it was tobuscus that came up with doorhinge
and if I got my youtube wrong then don't be hating
at least im not on the internet all day masturbating

like all the millions of teenage boys
that got too old for their hot wheels toys
and now they're wishing they had those days back
instead of using next door's internet to get a bit of jack

let's switch topics that is kind of controversial
and my head says watering can, does it think this is a commercial?
i aint gonna advertise your gardening products
the gardens for barbeques and hot lazy summers

that we dont really have in the UK
but it sure as hell is going that way
and i dont really have much more to say
but my brain keeps on rhyming anyway
oh wait we do have summers - in may
but we're all to fucked to see the change
it's still summer just on another day
even if it's a few months away

okay lets slow it down and get these lines longer
yes im british and i'm wishing this queue was more ordered
but im joking it really pisses me off when im in WHsmith
and im only queuing to buy orange oasis

which is much better frozen if you want my opinion
but you probably don't because you aren't my minion
and if you are, oh hi, why don't you get more of a life
because mine's not as good as it looks with this strife!

Friday, 22 July 2011

A reaction post!

Okay so I was in the middle of a different blog, which is going very slowly and just trickling into a mess, and I have made my ickle sims 3 blog, but I recently read, as in vair recently, like 2 seconds ago, My good friend Ouise's post. Louise has been mentioned on here a couple of times, and it seems to make her feel godlike, although this blog maybe has 5 views every 3 months, but whatevs.

And the post I was reacting to: (which in fact wasn't jibberish at all, isn't that spelt gibberish Louise? tut tut)

Anyway, she was talking about what she calls 'nostalgia' which I disagree with, as in, the term she uses. It can't be nostalgia as she has never experienced a lot of it before. She states she feels nostalgic when seeing new places, or being amongst people and seeing their experiences, quite often wondering in awe at what exists down there that she hasn't discovered, or what makes that friendship group work. (This is in short, I'm not going to repeat her entire well written blog, of course)

I would not call this nostalgia. This is a simple element of HUMANITY. And since I can remember, I have loved to create my little worlds and sit and watch people go by, wondering what they're thinking, what language they speak (yay 21st century) what they're going to eat next, what decor they have in their bathroom, do they smoke, do they drink, do they beat their wife, do they rap, are they straight, gay, do they have a cat, a snake, a hamster, what is their big worry, are they financially stable!?!? And that's just if I see one person walking down the road, of course, there are many other questions my brain asks me, but that's just it. I would call it a Yearning, a desire to understand and learn how other's minds work.

Scientists spend many hours and many dollars (pounds, yen, whatever takes your fancy) on researching and brain scans and tests to try and get just a small snippet of human conscious. I find myself procrastinating my homework browsing Wikipedia with all the terms and such, but okay.

It isn't nostalgic to wonder their nostalgias, to feel like them, no matter who you are, what you ate for breakfast, if you're mentally ill or something, it is so so soo normal, to the fact that I can almost relate to a creepy stalker. Our society has manipulated our conscious to close out these things, and a lot of people feel weird for even dwelling on it for a split second, but it is important.

You, as only you knows, could be the only person that is real, and the others around you are all elements of your imagination, who knows, maybe they're just agents to our world that don't do anything except for wonder around our world and let us react within it.

That mindset comes to me from time to time, it is both very important to me, but also very dangerous, it makes me toy with my mortality when I am thinking, and perhaps push the boundaries slightly, but, I would not confuse this with a selfish mindset, not at all. Again with the tangents!

Sorry, the other part Louise mentioned was how places made her feel. I know what she means, but only when I'm in that state, I can actively make me feel it, it smells like coasters but also fresh grass. The familiar but new feeling, it feels as if I have never felt it before every time. Okay so, I could be anywhere, nostalgia is a sort of pang, of wanting to go back despite any badness and frolic in my old house with my younger brother. What I feel, sometimes, when I'm already in that "oh ma daizz humanity is dizzifyin' me" state, is when walking along, all the images:

One time, someone was here, building this wall. I wonder how many planes have flown over that sky? That logo used to be so much cooler, I wonder what it will look like in twenty years. Will I live that long, what will my kids see?

And also, it is again a kind of dangerous yet exploring, and natural state to be in. At first it feels uneasy, but then I just let it flood over me (like bathing in another's blood after having just sacrificed them because Busted asked me to)

And once that happens, I am no longer Rachel, I don't really think she is that important to the world, but you never know, she has just as much potential as anyone else, and on she walks through town listening to Spanish ska punk, well really.

This mindset has stayed with me, my whole life, not criticising me, but leading me away from the teenagery-ness a lot of my friends are nearly just over now, I haven't really had this, I was a bit of a brat about 10, but really, for reasons that can be found here on this blog if you look hard enough.

I am not saying I am alone in these feelings, of 'nostalgia' or whatever you want to call them, it is a simple, Human instinct, to know, to learn, it's just we've been taught it's unnatural, I feel, within society, we should want to go kill zombies, not know what that woman's favourite colour is.

And thus I conclude,

Tanks vair much, pet

Ray :) x

Saturday, 9 July 2011

QVC song thing

this little thing is dedicated to ouise,
she's eating her dinner and watching QVC
where old women and insomniacs spend their days
unable to retract from the unnatractive gaze

with a pale face in a frail place i must buy that concealer
i don't need it and i don't know why they sell this shit either
i'd never leave the house incase i missed one second of this gold
that might be fake but it's no earthquake i'm on the phone on hold

and when I have spent all my money on everthing there is
i'll put it away in my attic where all my posessions sit
and i'll pretend i'm happy about it but i'm asking you to think
this is for sure a cry for help, i'm about to buy this kitchen sink

and it might make you laugh
that QVC is all i have
it may seem daft
but QVCis all i have
and if you want advice
dont ask me coz qvc is all i have
and if you want to make it right
then take away all i have

i've memorised the phoneline
and the little message for the R.O.I
that flashes at the bottom of the screen
in it's relaxing little stream

and I don't pay the bills or pay my taxes
it only goes on this and thatses
and those his and hers coats will come in handy
for when my husband comes home from patsy

I don't care if he's cheating on me
coz i'm cheating on him with QVC
and you'll never get more from me
i started off, saying kill me, but i regret calling this a disease

and it might make you laugh
that QVC is all i have
it may seem daft
but QVCis all i have
and if you want advice
dont ask me coz qvc is all i have
and if you want to make it right
then take away all i have

it's about as funny as an abortion
and this addiction is getting out of proportion
with the happiness i once had in my life
at least i still have the status of 'wife'

but i'm getting old and this is fun
i'm watching the price drop one by one
and idiots calling down the line
who can't possibly be alive

and then i realise they're all as sad as me
spending all their money on something 'supreme'
and all i think is it's addictive
and the guy on the show is kind of 'wicked'

so QVC will be the death of me
i've already lost one kidney
from just sitting here and swigging whiskey
and it's all I have.