Friday 24 August 2012

Condiment Confessions

I go great with burgers, and hot dogs, but im just not as popular as old ketchup,
 with his reddish hue and cheeky nature, i'm just there for decoration. 
Sat on the table next to honey and mustard, watching salad cream getting mixed with custard, 
stupid Marie's pregnant again, why can't she crave me on her mexican? 
I'm just generic, I ain't Heinz, and forget HP we all went down that line, 
but I just can't face the constant failure, when they come near me but reach for the yella. Mustard is even better than me, and I had a single on MTV. 
Not even my funky quirky label, makes me stand out on this table. 
I guess it's time to fix myself, I'm fruity sauce, and I need some help