Saturday 28 January 2012

I love the doctors

My hip. My hip has been causing me pain, it clicks and groans and stabs me. So I made a doctors appointment. It took 3 weeks.

First of all, I was in the waiting room, and at the time of my appointment, this doctor came in, and called for 'Rachel' and I was like oh, me, oh no, no sorry, the other Rachel with a more complicated last name got up instead and went with said doctor. There was a man looking like he was going to lol, so I thought I'd express my foolishness and said "same name" at the same time that someone coughed and someone else turned a magazine page, so that was awkward and nobody heard me. That was just.. staring around, not being able to say anything, while the man stared dead at me for another 15 minutes.

The same doctor came back when it was just two other people and I in the waiting room, and called my name. He then sprinted off down the corridor and I hurriedly dragged my left leg along with myself after him. I got in, and sat in the chair furthest from him. He laughed and I sat in a closer chair. Then after I explained my predicament, he asked me to walk to and fro and look at my walking. Which has to be the most awkward thing ever as the room was small. Then he turned to me and asked if I had underwear on. I said I did indeed so, and didn't think much of it, he was obviously going to want to look at my hip, but who doesn't wear underwear when going to the docs in that situation!?

So I de-trousered and got on the examination couch, as indicated, then realised I was wearing ridiculous knickers with cherries on and odd socks. Thank God I shaved my legs tbh. Then after he did a bit of prodding on both hips and causing me pain, he told me to turn a certain way. He kept saying "head that way" so I headed that way, but he meant put my head that way, how embarrassing... gah. So I put myself the right way, and he grabbed my foot and twisted it.

It was just all embarrassing, especially as it hurt and things. And then he told me to get dressed, so I did, all but one shoe, because he started explaining to me again, this confused him. But yeah, I apparently inflamed a tendon OR the sack thing in between the hip joint and something else? Anyway, extreme pain is extreme :(

But my life is one huge lol...

Love Ray <3 xx

Ahaha :P

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