Sunday 2 January 2011

Seriously? Again?

I never finished the season 4 of heroes, don't get me wrong, I not only loved samuel sullivan and his carnival, but I felt I could fit in there quite nicely.

If you're bored, why are you reading this? But, if you really ARE bored, read the previous paragraph/sentence with a lisp.

If you were born with a lisp, learnt to speak with one and the like, does that little voice in your head that reads your books and mocks you? Yeah? Does it speak with a lisp too?

ANYWAY, seeing as NBC decided to cancel heroes, I have found the all American cheese version "no ordinary family" without the correct capitals and such but I don't care, it's 1:25am, and therefore, already tomorrow. Not American Cheese as that gooey stuff Adam sometimes eats on man vs food, the kind that makes you cringe a little and think "Are Americans really like that?"

Well, they aren't, only the superhero families.

MORE TO THE POINT - be aware, I can't stay with the point for long - The set(s) on this programme are similar, I would go to far as to say THE SAME ONES as from House M.D (Wilson <3)....The Lab were she works, is it globatech? Yeah, it has the same modern panelling seen in House, and there was a shot where the bad guy was searching the parents room, and it looked like their bed and dresser was where the chairs outside Cuddy's office would be...If it were House, and it had the place of where the doors to Cuddy's office may belong.

Basically, I'm trying to reduce my time awake, for I go back to college on the 5th, meaning, tomorrow night, I should aim to be asleep, or in bed trying to think of the best scheme for world the time of 11pm.

This is backfiring, I am 1 and a half, and 1 minute! at this moment in time, over my limit to turn the computer off, but I just couldn't help myself, and played a good amount of robot unicorn attack, I find the heavy metal version is more...unrelenting...I may have reversed my age slightly....

And as this fateful blog draws to a close, let me remind you all:

Winnebago is a 19th century American chicken breed of unknown origin. It appears to have been a precursor to the modern Golden Wyandotte.

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