Thursday 14 April 2011

OMG Someone's got the Dream Crazies

So, I had a dream nast light (hehehehe)

Not like Martin Luther King. It WAS a bit like inception, though not quite.

I always KNOW when I'm having a dream, and my dreams are kind of realistic, they at least make sense when I wake up, not like There was a mirror that spoke in tongues or anything but you know.

ANYWAY. We will start before my dream. Yesterday morning, I was chatting to Juan from Madrid, and telling him that I was drinking cherry lucozade for breakfast.

Well, No Tienen Lucozade en EspaƱa, so I was telling him about it, and um, yeah.

In the dream, I was in Spain. And well, I went to go and buy a bottle of drink in a shop, and thought I would look for Lucozade to prove Juan wrong.

I went in, and they had "Lucozaid" and I thought, surely Juan, SURELY, you would know that Lucozade is the same as Lucozaid? or not? No? Well, I thought I'd buy some, but They only had giant bottles of the stuff. So, dream me tried to buy a pen instead.

Just before I got to the checkout, I reached to get my purse, by putting my bag on the lucozade stand thing, that was empty, and this woman was like. That's 3 Euros 50 please in spanish (she thought I was shoplifting). And there was some bizarre spanish smalltalk with her. So I paid a ridiculous amount for my pen that then changed back into Lucozade. The english version....

I went outside, and wondered around trying to find the rest of my group, clutching my lucozade. And all these bizarre people kept saying hi to me, and I knew them, in my dream. I found Erin and Joanna, and in my dream I told them that I was having a dream that all these people were following me and I knew them all. They were acting really jealous of was so wierd.

Then this one man was following me dragging a wraught iron chair...(if you can get those) behind him, and I woke up.


Loves <3

Rachel xx

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