Saturday 17 September 2011


There was a moment today, where I nearly lost my best mate.

It's quite personal, so I will try and not go into it, but basically she messaged my mum on fb saying something I would rather she hadn't.

We'd talked about it that morning, and then she was being all nice, and then said what she'd done and signed off fb. I went completely horrified, I was shaking, I couldn't feel my hands properly, pretty immediately, which is your typical adrenaline rush, I messaged her the most pathetic and grammatically incorrect message, swearing, horrid message I've ever written, and then left her an agressive voicemail, then rang her, she picked up the phone and I started having a go, so she hung up, and then I rang again, and apologised, and basically we both ended up crying down the phone to each other.

Then we were trying to delete the fb message which can't be done, and I was panicking majorly. Mum comes in, sees I am crying, so I explain, absolutely dreading her reading the message. She reads it, replies to my friend and did the complete unexpected.

Turns out, my mum appreciates my friends concern for me, and thinks she's even greater than before, but for me, this is a very very meaningful experience.

This friend took information I had trusted her with, and sent it to my mum, who could have taken it badly. I feel I can't trust her again, but she WAS only looking out for me.

It reminds me of Asimov's 3 laws of Robotics to be honest.

She was trying to help, but in the short term, or perhaps in the long term, it could have ruined our friendship. And then it dawned on me, what she did, she knew it could have ruined things, yet she did it anyway, because she wanted me to be happy in the long term, and this has proved that she is more of a friend than I ever thought she was, and I will forever value her.

Whilst it was happening, my brain was screaming, I didn't know whether to tell her to fuck off or to catch two busses just to give her a hug. In my head, I hated her, but in my heart, she was still my best mate.

It was very, very difficult, and I hope it never happens again, but if your friends ever do anything like this, please, keep an open mind, and think about it.

It's only turmoil until it's sorted.

'Que Follon' - Juan Cuesta, el presidente de la comunidad.

Ray xx

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