Tuesday 6 September 2011

My friends

I have joked about it in the past, but I am far too picky with my friends.

My bessie mates are:
Lewis: - an 8 foot, long haired, homosexual, maniac who got me in sooo much trouble at school, and I for him

Louise: - An Aspie goth that lets me make up stories about ska-p and horlicks and goats, and gets me doing responsible things... Hmm...

Weronika: - She's a hungry Polish silly billy with hardly any memory, who managed to live with me for 3 weeks in Poland

Maddy: She's into everything, writing and history and crocheting and CSI new york or something, but she pats me on the head and moves on, she's awesome

Aaron: Sick sense of humour but oh well... our conversations usually consist of jokes about heroes/sugar rush/waterloo road etc....

Actually, I have loads of friends, but Louise made me think today, because one of her friends baffles/annoys me a tad, and I wasn't thrilled to learn she might be in my history class this year XD. Anyway, Louise asked me if I liked ANY of her friends, and then I felt like a selfish salt snorter and went all defence mode.

Not like in basketball, no... I was like you know, like OMG Louise, you didn't just say that!

Actually, I was like, No, I do like your friends, bla bla bla, but then I was sad.. because if thats how Louise views me, is that how everyone views me. It takes a while, you have to get past the vacuum of trust before you can be my friend. Its huge and gloopy.

My trust gloops.

I don't know where I'm going with this... just, it takes time for me, and if you keep fuffing up your attempts to be my friend by offending me or patronising me or whatever, then I am not going to let you onto the gloop, am I!?

Sorry, people, I am quite nice, and I want to be peoples friend, but, what can I say, it's at a slight issue.

Okay, bye haha

Rachel xx


  1. **Official public apology**

    Because I definitely don't see you as stuck up, or unfriendly, or anything else my comment made you worry about, and I doubt anyone else does either. You are not like that, as anyone with a brain could tell.

    Because I don't resent you disliking one of my friends- I can't make you get on with people you just don't gel with. And besides, you've had at least one friend I haven't exactly taken a shine to either. If I got pissed over this, I'd be a raging hypocrite.

    Because my comment was meant to be tongue in cheek, but it was stupid of me not to realise how you'd take it. I know. I'd probably take it the same way if someone said it to me.

    Because I seem to be a bit too good at accidentally worrying you in general.

    Because you're my small Stuart Baggs thing, and you don't deserve to feel crap about something like this.

    Because I'm a bit of a wally, really. :p


  2. I'm a bit of a wall.e Muahaha

    Well thankyou, ouiseface, I'll never forget your love, I promise <3 <3
