Monday 7 November 2011

I have too many video projects....

As many of you know, I am a youtube star (XD), and I have TOO MANY VIDEOS to upload/make/edit/film/plan


So, at the moment, there's going to be mine and Sarah's project, which should hopefully start this Thursday, or perhaps before, depends.

Also mine and Lewis's food reviews, I'm just rendering the screme egg one, then I have tango turbo, cheesecake, possibly pizza and I swear there might be something else. Or I've just lost it.

There's the videos from Poland, and I don't really know how to do them justice, they're just nice memories for me atm.

I'm also planning to do a picnic advert for picnics to come, and at each picnic I will interview people about why people should go to picnics, I have big plans for that. Picnics take a lot of editing effort.

I also want to make a 'best of lewis' video, because there's just so much.

And I haven't forgotten/deleted any videos, from previous projects I never finished. I think I MAY have deleted eccles cake adventure, because it was a very badly filmed bore. So yeah, I got rid of it.

AND my EPQ is a video project, but I have to write an essay on that video, and it's far too embarrassing to put online, it's actual torture to watch XD.

So this is my life at the moment, it seems quite unproductive but I have 2 series, one to have further planning, i.e mine and Sarah's, and one to be uploaded and edited, in the reverse order, mine and Lewis's.

The first video of that will be going online soon, it just takes an hour to upload these things, darling youtube.

And aside from that, there's the random filming at college that happens and needs to be edited.


Ray <3 xx

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