Friday 25 November 2011

IT'S Firetrucking

Freezing in my room.

System of a down just came on, I love this song pfftt hahaha.

When I killed yoourr rock aand rolll (8)

But that's besides the point. Do you know how hard it is to type whilst wearing gloves?

Eat all the grass, eat all the grass that you want, accidents happen in the dark (8)

Basically, I'm wearing my gloves and I'm fully dressed because I'm flipping freezing.

I mean I'm fully dressed and in bed, I don't normally hang around naked.

Oooh Spanish Ska, how nice of you to join me. I'm not going to bother type the lyrics. If anybody cares, the band is 'tercer modulo ska' and I'm listening to 'tierra verde'

Third ska module - green earth, basically :P

It really is cold though, I was on the phone to Ouiselegs on the way home today, and my finger like totally nearly fell off, from cold. Here's a picture of me right now, well actually a few minutes back XD

I look the same though :P

Oh do you know, I really like the new interface in the aspect of the photo uploader, because it doesn't take 3 years and it doesn't put pictures automatically at the top.

Anyway, do you like my gloves? I'm so cool... too cool, these gloves aren't helping much.

I'm now listening to a Jay-z/radiohead remix. Jaydiohead... interesting...

I had McDonalds earlier, I like, always get the same thing, which is a bigmac meal with a vanilla milkshake which makes some people shake their heads at me. But I like milkshakes!!

How greedy sexy am I....?


I made this bed I choose to lie in it (8) (good charlotte)

I'm trying to have a conversation on skype with Louise, but I'm failing because I'm blogging because Sarah made me envious that she was writing a blog.

Argh my mouth is all itchy and pulsating like when I ate those nuts in Poland, and I thought I was going to have an anaphylactic shock XD I was fine, though.

I have had about 6 comments about my CTFxC hoodie this week, this is because they got married, recently, like, I wear this hoodie regularly and nobody notices, until after the wedding.

TUSK TUSK I am a loyal fan.

Sarah's such a loyal Tobuscus fan she's doing her English project on him, how lol is that.

My Wena is lonely tonight (8)

That reminds me of my good friend Chloe, Kinda miss Chloe. :P

So me and mum and Alex are going off into Gunwharf tomorrow, and I have nothing else to do except pester Louise on skype for all eternity :D

So, well, goodbye, I haven't got much today :D


Ray <3 xx


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