Wednesday 26 October 2011

Dear Various People.

Dear Erin, firstly. I really love you, you're the best thing since sliced bread, and tbh, sliced bread is terrible, just bread in general. Blah, but yeah, I remember soooooo many good times, and your sense of humour when coupled with mine will achieve sheer brilliance and genius. We need to make some serious plans, I think, lol. Remember our various 'games' the Claire and Roxy show and stuff like that, and the heroes play/film that never got written. Well, we need to write it haha. <3 Ray.

Dear Aaron. I can't believe I didn't speak to you for like, months. It was nice to know that we can still meet and talk away about random crap for 45 minutes whilst infuriating people looking for a seat in the West Quay food terrace. We shall do it again, you've always been a good friend, and the stupid amount of Matt Parkman jokes have stopped, those were the days :P

Dear Maddy, well, wow, you are such a great person and you don't know it. The amount of times I heard you were a 'bitch' from various (knobs) at Bitterne Park, yet you still make me smile at least daily. I think you and your family are great, even when I nearly knocked Bong's lego plane thing half a mm, luckily though, we escaped sans meltdown. You have a pretty awesome life, and don't let silly people that are mentioned in blogs get you down, because I'll always be thinking of you :')

Dear Mehdi: Kanebrik bezzaf, really. You are a great guy, and one day I will go to meet you, I just can't afford it yet, and I have to be 18 haha. Hopefully one day I will meet you, and if not, then I'll always be your BFF, and I'll always think of you, I think of you everyday. V♥L♥H

Dear Lewis, well, you're amazing, aren't ya. And we really need to go to the place with the broccoli and the water, and you know, congrats on the job, that's amazing, although probably a bit sneaky, I bet your mum got you in ;). I think we have gone to Canada and back far too many times for the guiness world record book to even process. So glad I talked to you when you threw up on Mr. Curtis's shoes that time, friends forever, no?

Dear Vixen, I mean, I could use your real name, but I almost imagine you to legally change your name to that in the future haha. You made Spanish one of the most entertaining lessons I think I've ever had, as well as the rest of the class, you always came in smiling, despite any shit, and I will never forget the sound of you and Sarah giggling away opposite me, whilst we wound up Kenny. Thanks <3

Dear Sarah. Damn, you're an absolute nutter, but I love you for it, you TOTTALLY need to blog more often, because the way you see the world is quite fun and different, I wouldn't change you for the world, you're pretty awesome, in almost every way, and I will never forget our break-gateway-break which sounds like a violent tactic in a sports game hahaha <3 I'm Slytherin muahaha.

Dear Louise. Drat, scratch that. Dear Ouisey, you're amazing-azing-azing, okay, seriously? I know that my quick friendship may have put you off at first, I guess I just know when I meet such great people. There are so many things I should thank you for, but most of those I wouldn't want to publish on a blog, you know what I mean. You are my most favouritest aspie-goth, so yeah, shh XD I hope we will always have a good friendship. :') ♥

Dear Joanna I see you at least once a week, and I need to see you more, you are crraaazzzyyy and you make me laugh so much, I know this isn't much, but you've made me smile on far too many occasions for me to leave you out <3

Dear Robyn. You are beautiful, seriously, and easily influenced by 'this is England' ;) I love seeing you around college, even if I am rudely ignoring the poke you just gave me. Keep smiling, I'll always be a mate :P

Dear Charlie, well, wow, you made Sociology one of the most interesting lessons of all time, and all the other sociology girls too. Basically, don't give up, seriously, we need to meet up more, the same with most people on this here little list. You're special, in more ways than one, window licker ;) <3

Dear Matt. It SUCKS that uni isn't being a babe to you, I miss our silly little chats that we used to have on a fortnight rota type thing. If you ever want to talk, just let me know, you make me laugh, and BBC hospital soaps are just the bees. :P

Dear Izzy. It's still weird for me to say your normal name, haha, I miss you, you know, remember extreme guess who, and roly poly japanoly. (A square hen only found in the colours yellow) We were geniuses, and we should totally be on the radio, yep, those were amazing times. But yeah, you're gonna go far in life, so well done haha, I'm sure I'll see you again soon. Love Jez.

Dear Francake, you're amazing, and you always will be. I'm going to miss seeing you around college to be honest, and I hope you get into uni and have a great time. I remember waiting to go and see that queen musical thing and playing cluedo with your fam and eating all of Ian's m&ms muahahaha. Or the insane amount of pancakes we always end up having haha. Oh, and Happy B-day for Mondayyy :D and Love to Ollie <3

Dear Belinda. You're my guy pahaha. Thanks for everything, and you know what I mean ;) Looking forward to a whoollleeeee year of English and Psych together, you're very clever and very awesome, don't ever feel bad :P

Dear Alannah Banana. I see you everyday (which is a PAINNN for me) but yeah, you make me laugh, so, I do look forward to it haha. In fact, my day does not feel complete without lolling with you, so to you, and allll the alcovians. Keep being great <3

I think that's everyone, except of course for my mum ♥ lol, she's amazing :') So, everyone, I love you all.

Loves Ray <3 xx

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