Wednesday 19 October 2011

What to even say...

Oh how awesome Bonjela is, I swear I have ulcers on my ulcers... oh the bliss, the blissss!!!!

I had a job interview today, it was all fine, I even drank tea. **TEA**


You say, you gasp and quiver and fall to your knees. Rachel actually drank TEA!


Yes I did, I drink it on VERY rare occasions, without milk and sugar, because let's face it, that's disgusting, really. I also ATE BREAKFAST, which again, rarity.

So, I hopped on the 8a, early for being fashionably early, and um, which was good actually, because it BROKE DOWN.

So I had to pay £1.80 TWICE for the bus, and I only bought my purse for the part of my personality named Justin Case. I was going to an interview for John Lewis you see.

Not much of a risk taker, there. So, after being extortionately cheated by firstgroup plc, I found a lickle walkway, and went along that there walkway, and then thought, right, partners entrance, SHOW YOURSELF.

But it didn't, so I followed a woman in a red coat, she seemed like she would use the partners entrance, and not just walk a ridic. way round to West Quay for no reason, or you know, so I followed 'the red one' as my inner thinking voice called her, and found the partners entrance, very sleek, right?

I went in there, and I was about 30 minutes early, so, I went and got my name taken, and soon another person called 'Honor' came in and we had a nice chat, although, I kept it in mind that she was a competitor, of course.

There was this rather older lady that came in, and her phone went off in the receptiony bit and it broke the ice more than an elephant weighs.

Eventually 20 or so people all came in, and we had to give in our passports and such, and got put into 4 groups. I was in group 'B' if anyone cares.

And yes, we had to make a tower out of cards and paper-clips. Our tower was the tallest and it WON yay, but of course it's not the winning it's the key skills shown within team work that counts.


Job interviews.

((Just realised I have to wash up today, after being quite childish and not wanting to on Monday))

Anyway, after that, we all had to fill in a form individually, prioritising what problems we would deal with in which order, then we had to fill it in as a group. Turns out most of us are awful at that.

And then, we all had individual interviews. MY LADY WAS SCARY. Like seriously, doubt she'd employ me.


And then when you returned from your individual interview, the woman sent you off.

Until she realised she'd sent 75% away without their passports.. tahahahaha.

Then someone's driving license had been LOST! But it was found within someone else's passport.

Mum picked me up and made me a quick jam sarnie though, isn't she brilliant :'3

Then I went to college, where we had Spanish, which is fun, because I like totally didn't do my homework, I did try, but I wasn't dressed and I had to get to an interview, you see. But M-F didn't take it in anyway, and because I did all the work in the book quickly, I was allowed to start the next tasks using the online language thingy...

So I checked my ISIS reports. Tusk tusk, my teachers do converse about me XD

Only that I am a BRILLIANT student of course, and that Lentils saw my EPQ and wrote it down on ISIS so I would remember what to write.

Also, Louise texted me when I just got into college, replying to my earlier sent text of "missing me?" She retorted with "Wait, who are you again?" So I went to kick her, but when she appeared, I actually did a jokey punch.

Yeah, so last night, I was at the open evening selling Spanish, which was fun (and other language courses, of course) Me and Tom were arguing and swearing at each other in Spanish all evening of course.

Oh no, the italics button has reversed itself, It has to be switched on to be not in italics aahhhh.

So that made Spanish more fun today, me and Tom acting like Spanish class is a dramatic Spanish soap opera, why, of course that makes it all the more fun.

But tomorrow, we're meeting new candidates to be our teachers, seeing as M-F is going to be bringing a life into the world soon XD So, they should enjoy me at my full potential ;)

You know what I mean.

So that's it, all in all.

((Hoping this doesn't all come out itallic-y))

Ray <3 xx


  1. I was right about how interesting it would be XD

    Aww, I like the bit about your Spanish teacher "bringing a life into the world" :-D

    Your job interview sounded pretty fun, by the way, apart from the scary woman D-:

    Sarah :-D xx

  2. haha it was kinda fun, yeah, well SHE'S GIVING BIRTH WOOOOO ahha :P x
